This FAA eFAST contract has a $7.4B ceiling across 8 Functional Areas which provides a full spectrum of technical, engineering, scientific, administrative, and other professional services in support of the FAA and other departments under the Department of Transportation. This Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) is i This Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) is issued as a Master Ordering Agreement (MOA) under the Electronic FAA Accelerated and Simplified Tasks (eFAST) program.

Contract Number: 693KA9-23-A-00019
Contract Period: Current Option Period End Date: 9/30/24, ultimate contract end date 9/30/29
Task Order Types: Labor Hour, T&M, Firm Fixed Price Delivery/Task Orders
Task Order Duration: Up to 5 years
Eligibility: FAA and some Department of Transportation agencies may place task orders against this BPA
Point of Contact:
Email: faaefast@alliedmission.com
FAA eFAST Website: https://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/afn/offices/acquisitions/efast

Allied Mission Group was awarded the following functional areas:

  • Business Administration & Management (BAM)

  • Computer Systems Support (CSS)

  • Documentation & Training (D&T)